Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Art of Kissing - Different Types of Kisses

Do you want to know the art of kissing? Kissing is an intimate expression of feelings shared by two individuals who share a deep commitment, desire, and relationship for each other. In some instances, kisses have been used to express lust, betrayal, hatred, and perversion. Regardless of how people use kisses one thing is for certain, people throughout the world are constantly smooching. Learn the art of kissing. Learn the five types of kissing that people engage in often.

The French kiss is one of the most popular kisses of all time. This type of kiss involves placing the tongue inside of your partner’s mouth while exchanging lots of saliva. This type of kiss really should be done between people who really love and care about each other simply because there’s a lot of close connection involved.

Another kiss that many people consider to be popular is the passionate kiss. This type of kiss is normally seen in movies and many people do this type of kiss in a private place with someone they love (or at least like) very much. A reference for a kiss like this can be seen in the movie Spiderman 2 (the kiss between Spiderman and Mary Jane).

The simple peck is another popular kiss. Simple pecks are usually given to people that you care about but it doesn’t involve sexual intimacy. This kiss is more about showing affection and love that you would normally express to a child, a family member, or a really good friend. Millions of people give each other pecks all the time.

Full body kisses are popular kisses for people who are married or just enjoy good relations. This method of kissing involves kissing a partner from head to toe. Kissing like this is not recommended for people who barely know each other since it involves a high level of intimacy with anther person’s body.

Of the five different types of kissing, teasing kisses are for couples who enjoy sexually arousing their partners until the point that they cannot stand the sexual tension. This is best done in a private intimate setting where you will have all the time you need to perform this technique. Teasing kisses usually bring about great sexual desire and sexual stimulation.

The shy kiss is the kind of kiss you would do when you’re getting to know someone. This kind of kiss is best for people who are first getting to know each other. This kiss is also great for couples who want to “rediscover” each other through the use of sexual intimacy. This kiss is performed by barely kissing the person of your affection with your lips. You don’t do it because you’re appalled by your mate. You do it with the intent of letting your significant other know that you want them. Of course there are many more kinds of kisses than these five different types of kisses.

These are just some of the most popular ones that many people enjoy. Most people do enjoy kissing but unfortunately many people don’t get to kiss as often as they would like to. If you’re fortunate enough to be able to explore the intimate world of kissing with someone you love don’t take it for granted and most definitely enjoy the experience.

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